Monday, October 21, 2013

Wedding Toast, Take One

Last month, I was blessed with the honor of being one of my best friend's Maids of Honor (I shared the billing with her younger sister). While I've been in my fair share of bridal parties, I've never been an MOH. MOH was the major league for me, and of course, there was the added pressure of being MOH at my best friend's wedding.

Colleen and I | St. Patrick's Day 2012
However, that pressure never came from the bride. My friend and bride, Colleen, never had a bridezilla moment in the months leading up to her wedding. Then again, Colleen is a kind soul and it was never in her. That reason, along with a number of others, were behind the nerves when it came to writing the toast I was to deliver at the reception.

Drafting the speech took some time, a great deal of editing and, of course, feedback after back-and-forth emails with friends and fellow bridesmaids.

The big day arrived, September 14th, and my last rehearsal took place while in the car with Kallie. Kallie (who also answers to Lamb) isn't know for tears, however, tears were in here eyes and I knew Colleen would love it just the same.

Low and behold, she did! With a shake in my voice, I toasted to the lovely bride and the happy couple that evening. Looking over at Colleen, she dabbed away tears before we shared a hug and partied the night away.

Looking back, I like to think I didn't do too bad. Looking forward, I definitely learned a few things about the art of writing a wedding toast I'll keep in mind and share them with you!
  • Write what you know. Share a personal story or stories that exemplify your friend and/or the happy couple that can relate to everyone. You don't want to make the audience feel left out. 
  • Remember KISS, keep it short and sweet. You don't want to loose the audience's attention and there is beauty in brevity. At the same time, it's a party, so let the people party! 
  • If you plan on sharing some less than flattering stories, consider running it by the couple first. Some stories may be best kept among friends and away from family. 
Wedding Day! | September 14, 2013
...and of course, it wouldn't be right if I didn't include my toast. Enjoy! 

Good evening, everyone. I just wanted to steal a few moments of your time, and because I'm short, I'll keep it short. 

For those of you who may not know me, my name is Cybill and I was blessed with the honor of being one of Colleen's Maids of Honor. I was also blessed with the privilege of getting to know Colleen while in college at FSU. 

Now, as someone who got to know Colleen as a roommate, European travel buddy and dear friend, you may think I'd share a few stories about Colleen; like how she once broke an oven in one of the Salley dorm kitchens with her butt, or her definition of third quarter of a Seminole afternoon game meant watching The Notebook and eating Jimmy John's in our living room with our roommate Kallie-Lamb. Or, the story of an afternoon when she optimistically tried, yet failed, to fix a broken flip-flop...with a stapler. 

But for anyone who knows Colleen, you know she's so much more than that. 

Colleen's the shoulder to cry on when you're an ocean away from your family and your Dad just had a stroke. Colleen's also the shoulder to cry with when you're watching Toy Story 3 and Lifetime Christmas movies. Colleen's a caregiver, gently forcing you to eat pretzels or animal crackers after any rowdy evening out in Tallahassee. She'll also leave not only a glass of water, but a glass of Gatorade and Ibuprofen after your first evening with the kids at the 21 and up table. Essentially, Colleen's the friend that everyone wants, but not everyone is blessed to have. 

And today, we got to watch as the best friend anyone can ask for, married her best friend and greatest love; we watched as Colleen married Jimmy. We watched as they promised each other their love and their heart. And as these best friends being their lives as husband and wife, I hope you two continue to be each other's steady had and encouraging voice. May you make each other laugh, and the good kind of laughs that make your belly ache. May your love for each other grow with each passing day; and may we all remember tonight, the beginning of their always and look forward to their future filled with love and happiness. 

If you can please join me in raising a glass to Colleen and Jimmy, may your love for one another always be the guiding force in your lives. Congratulations! 

Do you have any advice for wedding toasts? Have you given a toast at a wedding?



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