Okay, perhaps I shouldn't really be kicking 2013 in the ass and out the door, but in the grand scheme of things, 2013 was rough. (Kids, being in your 20s kind of sucks. Stay in college forever.) I had a rough time living in New Jersey and interning in NYC. I tried to comfort myself with the idea that things would get better and I was just paying my dues. In short, they didn't. I danced my way out of that office.
In the following months my luck in the employment realm involved no uptick whatsoever. Was it karma? Perhaps. (But Karma, when will you work with me?! Huh?) I'm still waiting, hoping and working for the tide to turn in that respect. My moment of triumph will come! (Hopefully? Maybe? Oh, I sure hope so.)
Illness also plagued the house of Cybill this year. Well, it sure hit me that's for sure. This year, I took my first trip to the Emergency Room as a patient. My ailment? The Mumps. Now, before you go running to pump hand sanitizer and calling up the CDC about an unvaccinated scoundrel running amok, I did get vaccinated. I also learned that vaccinations don't last forever. Okay, now you may go ahead and call the CDC while pumping hand sanitizer.
While getting sick with the Mumps is a dark cloud that will forever loom over my 2013, it had a silver lining (and I'm not talking about Bradley Cooper). Sitting in the ER, colored in all shades of hot mess (though showered, I decided to forgo running a brush or my fingers through my hair prior to my arrival) I met the man I told my Mom I would marry. The ER doctor working that Friday morning was handsome in every way a man could be handsome. However, he wasn't handsome in the typical definition of the word. I'll update all of you if the universe allows our paths to cross again...
Mumps and handsome doctor aside, this year, I also got to witness one of the greatest girls I'll ever meet get married. (Definitely a redeeming moment for 2013.) Colleen made a beautiful bride and her wedding to Jimmy was definitely a highlight. The anticipation leading up to the day was palpable by some, but the excitement and the fun was tangible by everyone in attendance! Talks of the next wedding is now ringing, though it'll be a few years until then.
All in all, 2013 wasn't too bad, but I'm still happy to send it off. I had my peaks and my valleys, like anyone would, but I'm looking forward to the clean slate brought in by the new year. I'm hoping for 2014 to be the year of triumphs! I hope for one moment of triumph followed by another, beginning with Florida State winning the BCS National Championship game!
With all of the hope I've swept under the 2014 rug and another year in my 20s, I hope I'm not setting myself up for a disappointment. (As a hopeless optimist, it's a daily occurrence.) Perhaps I'm not setting myself up. Perhaps this is what life is like in your 20s. I mean, Helen Mirren seems to agree with me.
I hope y'all have a marvelous time celebrating the promises of the New Year, because whether or not you're ready here comes 2014. May it be a great year year of triumphs! Now, if I can only find someone — aside from my cat — to kiss when the clock strikes midnight...perhaps, I should call the Doctor?