
Somewhere on this blog, in some post in my archive, in some line on my About page, I have probably mentioned studying abroad or traveling abroad. Odds are, in the next line I may have mentioned my love for traveling, how I crave the feeling of being lost in a city full the unknown and strangers waiting to become friends. While my travel heavy posts may be scattered throughout this blog, just as I hope it'll be scattered throughout my life, I decided to dedicate a page to find it all.

Below you'll find links to blog posts sharing stories of places I've been and perhaps places I hope to visit. Some posts will describe the journey to the destination, though bumpy and not always direct, noteworthy nonetheless. Within those links you'll read about the friends I've made and the moments that became memories.  Maybe, just maybe, you'll understand my capacity of curiosity for the world around us.

Destination: Paris
When Paris Calls You By Name
When Paris Calls You By Name, Pt. 2

Destination: London
London: The Game Plan & Travel Bug

Adventure: Pacific Crest Trail
Ambition & Acceptance: Pacific Crest Trail

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