They can say what they want about people who assume, but I'm going to assume most, if not all of you, enjoy reading, to a certain extent at least. I'm going to go ahead even further and assume that just like myself, when you read something you really enjoy or something by someone close to you, you share it.
You can call it spreading positivity, enlightenment or just the simple act of sharing, but I thought I'd share a little something with all of you. I thought I'd share something I read with my recommendation that you definitely read it. (Hence the post title.)
Most of these, whether they're a blog posts, an article or what-have-yous, I came across online. Some I bookmarked, others I forwarded to a friend and then, there are some forwarded to me. It's an intricate web linking minds through shared reading, an instant library with no due dates and late fees, it's the modern day spread of knowledge. I like to consider it something like a free education (unless you want to calculate the fees for electricity and wi-fi, but let's not get too technical).
At the same time, let's get things going. Without further ado, below are a few things I read that are definitely worth your time. I hope you're able to take something from it, even if it's just a fleeting chuckle or a half smile from a pull at your heartstrings. Ultimately, I hope you enjoy your read and your views on my literary prowess aren't too beneath you.
I hope y'all enjoyed your reads! What do you have cataloged as your recommended reads?
At the same time, let's get things going. Without further ado, below are a few things I read that are definitely worth your time. I hope you're able to take something from it, even if it's just a fleeting chuckle or a half smile from a pull at your heartstrings. Ultimately, I hope you enjoy your read and your views on my literary prowess aren't too beneath you.
- Happy Wife, Crazy Army Life: I've mentioned my dear friend Colleen in a previous post. In this post, I'm happy to mention her as a fellow blogger. She recently started a blog to share her new life as a wife and an army wife at that. Living a few thousand miles northwest, she's embracing life and kind enough to share it with us. For any Florida State Seminole fans out there, you'd probably appreciate her latest post and can relate it on a number of levels.
- Marriage Isn't For You: Now, before you mark this one as sounding too cynical for your palette, I definitely think you should give a try, a once over, a skim of sorts. You may be surprised as it isn't exactly what you'd expect. As PR goes, I saw this link appear on my Facebook newsfeed a couple of times, but it wasn't until my friend, Christine, sent it to me that had me reading it. I wasn't disappointed and I hope you won't be as well.
- What She Doesn't Know Will Kill You: I first came across this article years ago, I must have been in middle school, but as years have come and gone, this has always stayed in the back of my mind. I can't tell you exactly why it's been etched into my brain, forever cataloged as one of my favorite reads, but it has and thus, this piece by Matt Brochu is worthy of sharing.
I hope y'all enjoyed your reads! What do you have cataloged as your recommended reads?
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