Wednesday, March 5, 2014

It'll Make For A Great Story One Day

"It'll make for great story one day" and "it could be worse" have been my motto for weeks. Reason being, the rental struggle is still a struggle.

Let's back track and pick up where I left off. That second place I started to work on renting, well, I'm still working on renting it. As it turns out, the number of loops that I need to jump through are ridiculous and the day I'll finally be able to move is unknown. There is a chance I won't be able to move in until the end of March. Goodness, I hope I can move in before then.

Since I don't have a place to stay and I started work Monday, I've been forced to stay in an extended stay hotel. It's not ideal, but it could be worse. (I told you I use that line often.) The extended stay is a little bit of a drive to the office, but it isn't too crazy and the traffic hasn't made me want to curl up and cry, so again, it could be worse.

Now, I have to call it a night. I still need to pack my lunch and get ready for another day's work. I miss the afternoon naps during my unemployed life. The working world, boy and girls. At least we're getting paid!



I actually decided to hit the hay before I uploading the GIF. Hence the delayed post. I'm not working a night shift and sleeping during the day.

Happy Wednesday, everyone!

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