Monday, February 10, 2014

My Man Crush Monday

Because today is Monday and we could all use the eye candy and pick me up, I thought I'd share a few of gentlemen who always make my "Man Crush Monday" list (although I've never posted a #MCM photo on my Instagram, Twitter or Facebook — seriously, go check).

In no particular order (okay, maybe the first five are my absolute favorites), I present handsome men of the world. 
1. Sir Henry Cavill. So, he really isn't a "Sir," since he wasn't knighted by the Queen, but he's knighted in my book. Also, I fell for him the moment his face (and his butt) graced my television while I watched The Tudors (I think his character, Charles Brandon, was a knight). This was pre Man of Steel, so everyone can just back off. Fun fact: I wrote a paper about Charles Brandon (the real Charles Brandon), for my history class freshmen year of college. I'm being totally serious. 

2. Mark Wahlberg. Although Marky Mark had a childhood that would otherwise knock anyone else down on my list, for him, I'll make an exception. Besides, his childhood appeals to every woman's desire (though some women refuse to admit they have it) to be the girl that makes the bad boys good.

3. Taylor Kitsch. Perhaps I still miss Friday Night Lights (they had a premature end and I will fight anyone who tells me otherwise) or I'm avoiding the fact that I want to see Lone Survivor, but I don't want to see him die, but my oh my, Taylor Kitsch. He looks every bit the bad boy this girl would like to rebel with.

4. Kyle Chandler. Keeping in line with my love for Friday Night Lights, who didn't love Coach Taylor? His tough love attitude and the way his hair was always disheveled when it took of his baseball hat, sign me up for some Texas football! Connie Britton (and his real wife) are some very lucky ladies. 

5. Gregory Peck. Besides the fact that Mr. Peck is on the older side (and he has passed away, rest in peace), he's so handsome. Old Hollywood had it good when Mr. Peck was around and did you see him as Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mockingbird?!

I hope you enjoy the eye candy!



{Photo Credits: Cavill//Wahlberg//Kitsch//Chandler//Peck}

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