Tuesday, October 29, 2013

"Three Questions"

Have you ever read something that just resonates somewhere within you? The words just strike a chord somewhere deep in your soul. Sometimes those words bring hope and joy. Then, there are other times, those words just break your heart. The way the words are strung together and the story they tell is sad and you relate to that sadness on some level, though you may not have gone through the same pain as the author. Yet, despite the grey cloud in your heart, you can't help but re-read it over and over again, as if it's enchanted some part of you.

Well, I felt something resembling that feeling when reading Three Questions by Lang Leav and I wanted to share with all of you. I'm not sharing in hopes that your heart breaks, but I'm sharing in hopes that some meaning buried within these words resonates with you and within your soul, awakening you to someone or some feeling.

I hope you may never have to hear every goodbye ever said to you -- said all at once. 



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